About us

Mireia bio Mireia Chalamanch (ES) Performer (movement arts), stage director and actress. Degree in drama. Co-founder and coordinator of OOFF Co. for ten years. She has directed and played in authorial theater, produced her own pieces and also pieces with scientific content, and of literary character. She focuses on art projects based on participation. Her artistic work is characterized by a poetic search of the body and the word formalized in different fields.

arenberg_LeenDeGraeve2Leen De Graeve (BE)
graduated at RITS (Brussels) as a theatre director. She was member of theatre collective zie!duif (winner Theater aan Zee 2008). She developed her skills in intimate theatre by working with Louise Chardon, Andwhatbesidesdeath and Sidney Leonie. Her love for site-specific theatre grew throughout making performances in poor neighbourhoods of Antwerp, Brussels, Barcelona and Beiroet. In her work she explores the limits of the self in public space. She experiments with new relations between audience and actor, and is shifting the borders between those two parties. (portrait by Marianne Hommersom)


chirinebioChirine Karame (LB) is a Lebanese Canadian who lives in England and a mother of 2 boys. She has studied performance art and educational psychology in University of Montréal. She has worked as a theatre maker (writing, directing, and choreographing) and as a performer. Chirine is also a dancer who continued dancing after having a prothestic knee. She participated in many festivals in different countries and has performed with well-known directors in the Arab world. Her work in the arts is mainly focused on psycho-social issues which are explored through multiple layers and forms emphasizing authenticity.

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